Area covered by MIAKO-NET
What is MIAKO-NET?
How to connect to MIAKO-NET
MIAKO-NET account issuing locations
Setting up for Windows XP
What is MIAKO-NET?

MIAKO-NET is an experimental, public secure wireless internet access project in Japan. The beginning, it is a project of the Sustainable Community Center of Japan (SCCJ), some organizations or services support this project now. SCCJ is a non-profit organization, dedicated to making community services accessible for all people.

MIAKO-NET is a “grassroots” project, growing one community at a time. The project is not carried out by corporations or commercial groups but by the citizens themselves. Citizens pay a small fee to install a wireless internet access point (or router) in their community. As communities gain accesibility to wireless internet, the infrastructure of this network expands and opens to the public.
The goal of MIAKO-NET is to build a “Accessible information city”. We believe that the life of Japan citizens and visitors would be greatly improved, if they are able to obtain VPN(Virtual Private Network) wireless internet access anywhere, anytime . This service also strives to be a resource for those with disabilities.

One example of how we believe MIAKO-NET can be of use to society is in the support of sight-restricted individuals. For example, if someone who is visually impaired is lost or needs immediate assistance, they can use MIAKO-NET to contact people who can help them. They may send a web camera picture or video feed of their location to a healthcare worker (or support volunteer) who would then provide audio guidance. Such services can be very inexpensive, if a secure wireless infrastructure exists.

MIAKO-NET is constantly looking into new ways that a wireless infrastructure could be of use to Kyoto society and daily life. We conduct experimental projects on an ongoing basis.

MIAKO-NET uses VPN protocol, the most advance security protocol presently available. Our wireless internet access is both safe and secure. Wireless data is encrypted to prevent interception and falsification. With VPN, MIAKO-NET server access is secure and you can connect to your company LAN without any worries (naturally your company server must run VPN).

To get wireless internet access via MIAKO-NET, simply register (see below) for your own account. Then all you have to do is setup your own PC.

   How to connect to MIAKO-NET